When and how do I use each product in the ZO Aggressive Anti-Ageing Program?
Each product should be used in a specific order as directed by your Face Dr Skin Expert for optimal benefits.
Is ZO Aggressive Anti-Ageing Program the right product for me?
For guidance on whether this Aggressive Anti-Ageing Program is right for you, speak to your Face Dr Skin Expert.
How can I buy the ZO Aggressive Anti-Ageing Program?
The ZO Aggressive Anti-Ageing Program can only be purchased from official clinic stockists such as Face Dr. After a free online consultation with a Face Dr Skin Expert, your recommended/ prescribed products are available for you to purchase online.
How much does the ZO Aggressive Anti-Ageing Program cost?
Official clinics of ZO Skin Health, like Face Dr, are prohibited from showing online prices. You can view prices for your prescribed products by logging into you Face Dr account. Prices range from £42-£195 for individual products, and kits range from £120-£225. You can also enquire about pricing by emailing us at
hello@myfacedr.com. Face Dr follows the RRP pricing set by ZO Skin Health.
How long does the ZO Aggressive Anti-Ageing Program last?
How long your program lasts will depend on how you are using your products and how often. For example, cleansers used in the morning and night, daily, will last between 2-3 months, whereas your the ZO Pads used daily will last up to 2 months. Ask your Skin Expert for advice on how much of each product you should use at a time.
Where can I reorder my ZO Aggressive Anti-Ageing Program?
To reorder your ZO Aggressive Anti-Ageing program, login to your
Face Dr Account. If you are new to Face Dr, you can submit a
reorder form and one of our Skin Experts will contact you shortly.